Right before Christmas we watched the movie Narnia. Although it’s a type of movie that I don't really favor, with the war and the long story, I thought it was pretty good. 
The movie is originally based on a series of seven fantasy novels for children, written by Clive Staples Lewis in the period from 1949 to 1954.
Similar to the books, the film is also fantasy, and good fantasy is probably the main cause to why C.S.Lewis wrote these books which later were to be made into a movie. The story is about four siblings, two girls and two boys, who are sent to London during the Second World War where they are living in a huge house which they happily like to discover by playing hide and seek and explore every corner and hiding place in the house. This is where Lewis has brought some of his own childhood into the story of Narnia.

The movie is originally based on a series of seven fantasy novels for children, written by Clive Staples Lewis in the period from 1949 to 1954.
Similar to the books, the film is also fantasy, and good fantasy is probably the main cause to why C.S.Lewis wrote these books which later were to be made into a movie. The story is about four siblings, two girls and two boys, who are sent to London during the Second World War where they are living in a huge house which they happily like to discover by playing hide and seek and explore every corner and hiding place in the house. This is where Lewis has brought some of his own childhood into the story of Narnia.
When C.S. Lewis was little, he and his brother liked to build houses of blankets and pretend that they were in another world. Lucy, one of the sisters from the movie, discovers the closet when she's about to hide from her brother during hide and seek. Inside the closet is where she finds the secret door to the fantasyland of Narnia, where the siblings later on are cro

Clive was born in Belfast, Ireland 29th of November 1898. He wrote The Chronicles of Narnia in addition to "The Screwtape Letters" and "The Space Trilogy". He has sold over a 100 million copies all over the world and Narnia is I considered a classic among children’s books.
One of Clive's best friends through his education at Oxford university was the other great writer John Ronald Reuel Tolkien or also known as J.R.R Tolkien. Tolkien helped Lewis become a christian and Clive helped John write even better fictional texts. Although the two friends had a good relationship they also had their disagreements. Tolkien for instance crtisized Clive for having too clear symbols of christ and the christian faith in his writing. In addition to being a book which pushed the limits of creativity it was to many fictional e
vents and he meant it could be confusing.

Clive on the other hand thought his friends religious believes was extremely old school and to orthodox. I believe if you look away from all of their differences and disagreements, they were acctually a very good help for each other and I think they both benefited a lot from the friendship that ended after Lewis got married.
Even though I usually don't like movies with great kings, wars and heroic battles I consider this film a very good one. I like the story and the fact that the children are in the center of everything. It is undoubtedly a great Christmas movie.
Glad you liked the movue. I liked too. Was hoping you were going to write more about the author and also his relationship with his friend Tolkien