I have now read five chapters in the book: Illusions. Some parts where the author jumps in between dreams and real life I was a bit confused, but by experience I know that Richard Bach's books are much more appealing and clear the second time you read it. So far we have been introduced to a man called Richard, which I believe is because the author really writes about his own life, except he has woven his own story into a fictional story. Also we have met a man called Donald Shimoda, also known as Don. Don is presented as a wiser man than Rich

The book is really about how to develop yourself, how to exceed your own expectations and how you may use the people around you as teachers to get the knowledge you need and to get self-realization. These things are really the underline of the book and the story is more of a metaphor to express the real message that the author wants to deliver. This is probably why Richard Bach's books are so popular. Since the theme of his books, at least the two I am almost finished with, are self-realization and how to exceed you, everyone can identify themselves with his books and really understand them differently. So far I have mixed feelings about the book, I was as I said earlier a bit confused by some aspects at this point, but I really feel that I get the main point and I am looking forward to reading more of the book.
This sounds very interesting. I'm looking forward to hearing more about this book. Perhaps you will have to read it twice to get the true meaning as you had to with the first book. I'm glad you found a book you enjoy reading. That makes it so much more pleasant.
SvarSlettJoachim, your explanation about how the book has a double meaning interests me. I can clearly understand that you enjoy reading this book, which then again makes me want to read it! So thank you. I think it is great that you chose the kind of book where you have to think about the meaning, since i myself chose a classic crime novel. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book as much as you have so far.
SvarSlettIt sounds like a good book, and I'm glad you're enjoying it even though you think it is a bit confusing. The book sounds interesting because you can relate to it. Self-realization is a good theme, and as you say: everyone can identify themselves with this. I hope you like "Illusions" as much as you liked "Jonathan Livingston Seagull". Maybe I'll read the books myself one day! Great post:)
SvarSlettThe book sounds great, Joachim. I think you did a great job with this blogpost, mainly because you explained the theme thoroughly without revealing to much of the plot. I hope the confusion will disappear as you continue reading. Let's hope you won't get disappointed after you've read the book! :)
SvarSlettWow! It seems like a very unique book! What you wrote about the book actually made me want to read it! That's the purpose, isn't it? :) So, well done! :)